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  • Moral Philosophy | Ethics Defined

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    Moral Philosophy | Ethics Defined
    Duration: 1:43
    User: n/a – Added: 12/18/18
  • Philosophy of Ethics and Morality – Introduction to Ethics (Moral Philosophy) – What is Ethics?

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    Philosophy of Ethics and Morality – Introduction to Ethics (Moral Philosophy) – What is Ethics?
    Duration: 13:46
    User: n/a – Added: 5/3/21
  • Writing Assignment: Why Be Moral?

    For your Individual Reflection, answer the question: Why should anyone be moral?
    Complete the reading “General Introduction to Ethics.
    Watch the 2 Ethics and Moral Philosophy videos: “Moral Philosophy – Ethics Defined” and “Philosophy of Ethics and Morality – Introduction to Ethics (Moral Philosophy)
    To answer the question requires you become acquainted with what is Ethics and the several different moral theories that exist. After reading the General Introduction to Ethics and watching the video under Week 2 Module, take time to reflect on what you learned and which moral theory seems to best align with your values. Using that as the basis of your response, answer the question “Why should anyone be moral?” Identify some of the reasons, by way of examples to support your answer. This will require that you understand at least one of the theories, how it works, and that you make an argument for why anyone should be moral.
    So make sure you have reviewed the relevant materials before you try this.
    There are Individual Reflection guidelines are included under the week’s module containing the assignment. Make sure you follow all the technical details, too.
    Once you have written your essay, click the link above, where it says “click here.”  That puts you into the Assignment Function.  Attach your paper and click Submit.
    DO NOT click Save Draft – I don’t get those.  Nor do I count them as turned-in assignments.
    If you have a technical difficulty or something, you can send another copy.  These are set to unlimited attempts.  I will simply score the last attempt.
    Make sure that you save these as your last name, first initial and IR1 (for example, Minnie Mouse saves hers as: “MouseMIR1”).  Saving it any other way loses you 5 points.  Make sure these are Word or Rich Text Format Documents (MAC users are encouraged to save in Rich Text Format).
    This graded assignment is worth 100 points.
    If you think these theories are confusing, and you are scared you won’t do well, so you think you will go online and find an essay which does this and send that in as your own, which is to say, you think you should plagiarize, well…DON’T!!!!!!!
    If I catch you plagiarizing on these, then the 0 you get WILL count towards your final grade. If you have any questions at all, please let me know at once!