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Like Steve McCurry’s photograph, Cathy Newman’s essay, “Her Eyes Captivated the World,” is a portrait, drawn in words, of Sharbat Gula. Newman’s portrait, however, was “taken” at a much later time, seventeen years later. As a later portrait, one might compare it with the pictures easily found on the Internet of the later encounter between the photographer and Gula. 

Write an essay in which you focus in Part I on Newman’s word-portrait in words in relation to the original and later photographs. For example, are there things about Gula’s life that come across in all three? If so, what? Thesis Question: What are three adjectives you would use to describe Newman’s portrait of Gulu? Support your description in the body of your essay with quotation. Consider also the figurative language Newman uses. Describe the effects of three or more of her similes or metaphors. Finally, how does Newman’s portrait in words affect how you respond to the two photographs?