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A few words on a written assignment:

  1. Each assignment you write should answer a precise question. Assignments

should not simply summarise your notes.

  1. Plan each assignment before you write. Prioritise your arguments and choose

the best illustrations

  1. Your opening sentence and first paragraph should define the problem you are

tackling. Avoid any banal statements.

  1. Do not be afraid to disagree with what you imagine your professor’s views

might be. Professors often ‘take a line’ to draw students out. State your own


  1. Arguments have a structure: Offer a proposition. Provide supporting evidence.
  2. Consider if an opposing argument is appropriate. Provide supporting evidence

as appropriate. Conclude with a reasoned choice or synthesis.

  1. Never plagiarise.
  2. Always give full references in a correct form.
  3. Use the Library wisely. You cannot depend on getting a particular book or

article just when you want it. Browse along the shelves for books and journals

and check the new books display.

  • Check the computer to see if an item is on short loan, or to see if you

can reserve it in advance.

  • Cooperate with fellow students by sharing books or photocopies.
  • Use the subject search facilities on the computer to find relevant


  • Follow up the footnotes and bibliographies of the books and articles

you already have.

  • Familiarise yourself with primary source materials, and don’t always

rely on secondary sources or commentators.

10.Use your initiative in finding source materials and your creativity in writing


Assessment Criteria for written assignment: In your written assignment, I will be

looking at:

  • A clear argument
  • the range of relevant literature used
  • the application of theory to the case in question
  • the extent to which material has been synthesised
  • the clarity and coherence of the overall written piece
  • the extent to which the remit of the assignment brief has been met
  • the accuracy with which relevant theoretical arguments, concepts and

data are described

  • the degree to which the theories and concepts discussed are integrated

and contextualised

  • the coherence and integration of the structure of the work presented
  • the clarity (spelling, grammar, etc.) and technical accuracy with which

ideas are expressed

  • the use of properly referenced sources to support the arguments made