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What are the functions of management?

Your electronic portfolio, or e-Portfolio, is a collection of artefacts that can help you develop new or deeper learning about the topics we have covered this semester. e-Portfolios can be shared with others and used to collect cases exemplifying your learning throughout your career as a student at RMIT.  These examples will prove helpful when applying for a job.

Whereas e-Portfolios for Accountants or Nursing students will collect cases of clients or patients they have treated, and provide a handy reference library for their future practice, your e-Portfolio as a Business Student has a similar purpose – with a twist.  Your e-Portfolio is a library of cases and business resources with learnings you want to refer to in your future business career.

Each section of your e-portfolio should include a link to your artefact, followed by a short statement about why you have chosen that artefact: sample e-portfolio.

What is an artefact?

An artefact is something (written, audio, visual) that represents some part of your learning. You will have two artefacts in your e-Portfolio:

  • You must choose (2) cases from the selection provided in Canvas (see below).
  • You must include information (1) for your LinkedIn profile (populated according to the specifications below)

Artefacts are evidence on which you will write a report.  You can also use and add to your e-Portfolio throughout your Undergraduate degree and potentially into the job market.

Each of your artefacts should be accompanied by a reflective statement in your e-portfolio (200 words) which explains why you chose it, how it represents your learning from the course, and how it contributes to your future.  A sample e-portfolio is provided for your reference.

NOTE: You must include the link to your e-Portfolio and your LinkedIn Profile on your academic reflection.

How to create my e-portfolio on Canvas using Folio

Please refer to the instructions given on this guide to create and set up your e-portfolio on Canvas.


LinkedIn Profile

As part of your e-portfolio, you must fill in your LinkedIn profile with:

  • a personal statement
  • your education
  • the Micro-credential you have completed

Once you have filled in your details, you must populate your profile by developing and engaging with your network by following at least:

  • 3 LinkedIn influencers
  • 3 companies
  • 3 academic institutions

You must also engage with your network by:

  • Liking or commenting on 6 posts on LinkedIn

Once you have filled in and populated your profile, you can compare your profile to the LinkedIn profile sections to be completed.

(2) Academic Reflection

Once you have completed your e-Portfolio, you will write a 2000 word academic reflection based on the artefacts in your e-Portfolio.  You may write the academic reflection in the First Person but make sure that your writing is not too informal.

The academic reflection will have the following seven sections:

  • A cover sheet/title page which includes:
    • the assignment name, your name and student number, your tutor’s name, and your tutorial day and time
  1. 1 Introduction to describe the overall structure of the academic reflection (200 words)
  2. 2 sections for analyzing 2 case studies (750 words for each case study analysis). These should be the same the case studies that you chose from the above list and have included as artefacts in your e-Portfolio– see how to write a case using RMIT’s instructions (Links to an external site.)
  3. 1 section to explain how you chose to populate your LinkedIn profile (200 words) – this can be the same text from your e-Portfolio
  4. 1 Conclusion to describe what ‘summary’ learning you achieved from creating the e-portfolio and academic reflection (100 words)
  5. 1 section that clearly provides the URL to your e-portfolio and your LinkedIn Profile (not included in the word count)
  6. Your reference list should have between 6 – 12 academic journal article citations for the case study as well as to justify why a LinkedIn profile is useful. The reference list is not included in the word count.

Remember to consistently link each section of the report to a relevant/appropriate management theory, framework, and/or concept that  you learned this semester.
Being specific, instead of making general statements, will improve the quality of your effort – and your mark. Remember, you are attempting to demonstrate your learning from this course in application. 

Your academic reflection will automatically go through Turnitin when you submit it on Canvas. You must ensure that the Turnitin similarity percentage for your reflection is 20% or less.