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ways in which individuals and politicians can manipulate voting systems.  

You’ve read about ways in which individuals and politicians can manipulate voting systems.

For this week’s discussion, you will choose a voting social policy, discuss an argument in favor of it, then critically evaluate that

social policy and/or argument.


choose a social policy regarding who can vote and under what conditions.

This can be a contemporary social policy (such as voter ID laws), a historical social policy (such as a Jim Crow law), or fictional social policy, or one that you make up.

Briefly (~ 1-2 sentences), explain the social policy in your own words.

Then discuss an argument in favor of that social policy, or a moral reason that one might want to adopt that social policy.  (Try to be charitable and present the best possible argument you can.  If you disagree with the policy, you can play devil’s advocate.)


 critically evaluate the social policy and argument you chose to talk about.  Discuss the foreseeable implications of the social policy.  Are they desirable?  Why or why not?  Give reasons, provide evidence.