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Visual and Performance Arts research paper
 Research and Analysis Papers Guidelines:
You are required to write a Visual and Performance Arts research paper and analysis during the
semester. You will be required to do research using FNU library online database aside from your own analysis of the art pieces. The analysis
paper needs to be at least 1000 words, double spaced, 12 points, Times New Roman type font.
Research and analysis paper # 1 Guidelines
After watching the Art Terms (Part A- paintings) video (Week 1 folder) and Music Terms Video (Week 2 folder) you will go online and find a painting and on YouTube, a musical composition (classical or jazz, no contemporary music) performed in front of a live audience, and you will do research and analysis of them.
Part I: -5 points
– Introduction paragraph. Remember that in the introduction you need to tell the reader what you will be doing in the rest of the paper. What kind of findings will you be reporting on. etc. The reader needs to finish the introduction paragraph (s) knowing what they will be reading about.
Part II -40 points
– Use the library online database and/or books to do research on the painter and painting you have chosen. Some of the topics you can research (you don’t have to research theses specifically) are the artists’ history, artistic influences, and art style of painting.
– Write 1 or more paragraphs about your findings based on your research. You need to use in-text
citations here.
– After the research paragraph(s) for the painting/painter of choice add a paragraph analyzing elements of the painting you have chosen (lines, hues, forms, etc). An art term video has been shared on the first-week folder and also the Starters Kit found at the beginning of the class
textbook goes over important elements of various art forms (although the video will teach you enough to complete this section). Analyze at least 5 elements of art in this section. This section does not need citations unless you mention something you read somewhere. Here you should be mainly applying the knowledge you have acquired in the class.
Part III – 40 points
– Use the library online database and/or books to do research on the music composer and musical composition you have chosen. Some of the topics you can research (not limited to) are the composers’ history, influences, and musical style of the musical piece.
– Write 1 or more paragraphs about your findings based on your research. You need to use in-text citations here.
– After the research paragraph(s) for the composer/composition of choice add a paragraph analyzing elements of the composition you have chosen (melody, texture, harmony, etc). A music term video has been shared on the second-week folder and also the Starters Kit found at the beginning of the class textbook goes over important elements of various art forms. Analyze at least 5 elements of music in this section.
Part IV- 5 points – Conclusion paragraph(s)
Part V – 10 points – Add a page titled: References page. Here, you need to add all the resources you used using MLA or APA style. These links will guide you through these formats for citing sources. Remember you need to use in-text citations (mentioning the source in the writing) when state any fact you read on an article/book and then that source’s full citation needs to add to the Reference Page.
APA: General Format // Purdue Writing Lab MLA: MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics // Purdue Writing Lab Note: add a photo of the painting and link of the performance at the end of everything so the professor can go to these as a reference while reading your analysis. Total: 100 points