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Discussed the water issue- need little bit of elaboration on it

-Culturally important characteristic due to climate change: what change have occured due to climat change
– Vegetation sustainability on apache tribe due to climate change
– Economic impact due to climate change
– Health
This paper need to be on “Apache tribe” (naitves american) on the effects of climate change solely on water, how they manage, precautions, management, community structure affected due to climate change, ecomony
Have to include these resources + additional resources (3 to 4) Citaiton in Chicago Author/Date format.
( I have attached my wiritng so far: just add on to it)

Khatri-Chhetri, P., Hendryx, S. M., Hartfield, K. A., Crimmins, M. A., Leeuwen, W. J. D. van, Kane, V. R., & Aryal, J. (2021). Assessing Vegetation Response to Multi-Scalar Drought across the Mojave, Sonoran, Chihuahuan Deserts and Apache Highlands in the Southwest United States. Remote Sensing, 13(6), 1103.

Gauer, Viviane H., David M. Schaepe, and John R. Welch. 2021. “Supporting Indigenous Adaptation in a Changing Climate: Insights from the Stó:Lō Research and Resource Management Centre (British Columbia) and the Fort Apache Heritage Foundation (Arizona).” Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 9 (June): 1–17. doi:10.1525/elementa.2020.00164.

User, Guest. 2021. “Water Availability in the Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona.” Highland Support Project. Highland Support Project. June 21.

Montoya, Michael. “Mescalero Apache Tribe: Innovative Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation .” Tribes: Mescalero Apache – Tribes & Climate Change. Accessed March 26, 2022.