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TikTok/social media as an educational source
Main sub-topics:
– Who are the ‘educators’ on these platforms?
– How are these platforms being incorporated into classrooms?
– How are these platforms more effective at educating than traditional forms?
– How much false information is being passed as educational content on these platforms?


  1. Introduction

  1. Establish how educators and research endorses social media/TikTok as an educational tool (Alludes to “who are the educators”)

  2. Introduce recent curriculum changes that have invited social media into classrooms (Alludes to “how platforms are being incorporated into classrooms)

  3. Not only are the platforms more entertaining, but briefly site how they are effective at education – nano-learning vs micro-learning; learning about complex subjects like Chemistry via video than traditional lecture, etc. (Alludes to “how these platforms are more effective at educating than tradition”)

  4. Acknowledge the risk of spread of misinformation

  1. Who are the ‘educators’ on these platforms?

    1. Mention how teachers and professors have been joining the platform to engage better with their students and gain more audience.

      1. List out a few examples of teachers who have been using the platforms. @mrstalktechie (An eight grade social studies teacher)

    2. Explain how educators are way beyond high school teachers and professors.

      1. Influencers, beauty gurus, lifestyle gurus, professionals, …

      2. Further elaborate how these types of educators use their personal experience from their daily lives or workplace. As they use their own perspective rather than theory based knowledge.

    3.  For example, skin care influencers as they may not be dermatologists they are able to learn from their own experience. They analyze ingredient patterns that might be overlooked. Since these influencers also lived from their own lived experiences of having bad skin, they would oftentimes test out products and analyze what works for them and what didn’t. From there famous skincare influencers would also go beyond testing, to an extent of learning the ingredients and active ingredients and what each active does to the skin. Therefore, they would make content curating products that contain those ingredients while  educating viewers from their knowledge regarding those ingredients themselves.

    4. Mention Tiktok creators for this area such as @liahyoo and @skincarebyhyram

  1. How are these platforms being incorporated into classrooms?

    1. Explain how TikTok can be a helpful alternative to traditional teaching methods

      1. “From creating videos in lieu of written assignments to making videos as part of a presentation – the creative ways to use this platform are many.” (How Can TikTok Be Used in the Classroom?)

      2. “Teachers can also use TikTok to create short videos on specific subjects that students can watch.” (How Can TikTok Be Used in the Classroom?)

      3. “[Educator makes] a TikTok that explains how to do academic citations.” (TikTok: Powerful Teaching Tool or Classroom Management Nightmare?)

      4. “The assignment consisted of producing a full 1-min video and a minimum of 30 s, where the students could choose one or more songs to accompany a choreographic performance telling a story.” (Incorporating TikTok in higher education: Pedagogical perspectives from a corporal expression sport sciences course)

  1. How are these platforms more effective at educating than traditional forms?

    1. Explain the ways that tik tok can be used for learning

      1. Micro vs nano learning

      2. Talk about the ways that tik tok is a potential educational tool for the future because of the delivery of small learning units in a short time span

    2. Talk about how tik tok has positive attitudes to learning

    3. Talk about how tik tok has positive effects on learning

      1. For example) how tik tok can increase literacy and speaking skills

  1. How much false information is being passed as educational content on these platforms?

    1. Give background information on false information being spread on social media platforms and give some examples

    2. Go over how TikTok is being used as a vehicle for false information

    3. Go over how TikTok is combating false information and how social media is still a viable source of educational content

  1. Conclusion

    1. Reiterate all main points to explain how TikTok is a source of educational content

    2. End on the projections of where TikTok can go with educational content.

Additional Notes:

– Research Paper
– MLA Format
– 6 Pages
– Work Cited (not included in the 6 pages, can just add an additional page with all the links used)