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So this is a research report. My topic and methods are mentioned in the file named “1st assignment”. I have also attached the rubric & 2 sample papers for your reference (for formating and organizing). Unfortunatley I was unable to collect data therefore you can make up data for the section, “Summarize your findings (data and pretest)” it is mentioned in the “The 2nd Assignment, Research Report.doc”- this document is the instructions page, so please look over it.

Also use these following journals as sources:
Use a research paper published in the last five years in a Sociology journal (you can supplement this with material from book chapters or sociology encyclopedia pieces)Videos on searching (Boolean operators), scholarly journals, peer reviews C&index=3 dK3W34nYCNB: Papers based on articles that are not from an approved journal will be given a failing grade.American Journal of Sociology Research in the Soc. of WorkAmerican Sociological Review Rural SociologyBritish Journal of Sociology Social ForcesCriminology Social ProblemsDemography Social Psychology QuarterlyEconomy and Society Sociological PerspectivesGender & Society Sociological QuarterlyJournal of Contemporary Ethnography Sociology of EducationJournal of Health and Social Behavior Work & OccupationsJournal of Marriage and the FamilyQualitative SociologyAccessing ArticlesResources: Use sociological abstracts to find articles