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Text and source information required:

  • Framework of Problem-based Research by Ellis and Levy (attached)
  • Access one dissertation from a Scholarly database related to the research topic or industry of interest to you that includes a problem statement.  My topic The Value of Higher Education Takes a Backseat to a Strong Job Market.  a) Identify the problem statement in the dissertation.
  • Access one scholarly (peer-reviewed) article from any database related to your DBA specialization (Higher Education). a). Identify the problem being addressed in the article.
Answer the following prompts in three paragraphs:
  • Compare and contrast the dissertation problem statement and the scholarly article problem statement.
  • Based on your reading of the Ellis and Levy (2008) article and using this problem statement template below:
  1. What: In no more than two sentences, what is the problem that the research will address? Remember, a problem is, essentially, something that is ‘going wrong’.
  2. Who: List three current, peer-reviewed references that support the presence of that problem and briefly describe the nature of that support.
  3. How, Where, and When: Again, in no more than two sentences, describe the impact of the problem. How are people or researchers’ understanding negatively impacted by the problem? When and where is the problem evident?
  4. Who: List three current, peer-reviewed references that support the impact of the problem that the research proposes addressing and briefly describe the nature of that support.
  5. Why: In no more than two sentences, identify the conceptual basis for the problem. That is, what does the literature outline as the cause of the problem?
  6. Who: List three current, peer-reviewed references that support the conceptual basis of the problem and briefly describe the nature of that support.
  • Also include in the initial post, the location of the problem statements in both the dissertation and the scholarly article (i.e., the page number and paragraph number).
  • Be sure to cite and reference all the resources used