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For this project, you will write a two to four-page paper using the assignment template which will provide YOUR answer to the question of whether project managers would make good Scrum Masters. Remember, the role includes serving the product owner, the development team and the sponsoring organization. It requires a great deal of soft skills and most of all, leadership. You should be sure to address the key points and questions related to this topic expressed in the lesson, however, you are free to offer additional points based on your own investigation or experience.

You may relate any similar situations which you may have encountered in your own career, any previous course you’ve taken, or even integrate sources selected from a trade journal, newspaper or magazine article, book or web-based source. As always, you should describe assumptions and any background information about such situations in your paper. If you do reference a third-party source, please be sure to list its name and provide a link to it if it is available on the Internet or in the Bobst Library’s digital archives.

y score (95 to 100 points) will be given to summaries which:

• Provides in-depth, clear analysis of the advantages and/or opportunities for the project if the project manager is the Scrum Master.

  • Provides in-depth, clear analysis of the disadvantages and/or threats for the project if the project manager is the Scrum Master.
  • Provides in-depth, clear analysis of what adjustments might a project manager need to make in order to succeed in a Scrum Master role.

• Explains the student’s opinion and analysis in a clear, thoughtful manner. The student may qualify his/her opinions but must give the instructor a clear sense of under which circumstances the project manager can make a good Scrum Master and in which circumstance they cannot.

• The length of the paper is no less than two pages, using the template provided and no more than four pages.

• The paper is well-organized and written, with minimal language errors.