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Historians are a contentious lot: “we’re prone to rely on questionable arguments about “the good sixties” and “the bad sixties,” and we can’t even agree on when the Sixties started or finished. Scholars of “the long sixties” argue that, on a global level, the period began in the latter 1950s and ended only in the mid-1970s. Independent Voices,, is an open access digital collection of the alternative and underground press produced during the American “long sixties,” totaling 465,000 pages as of this writing. Using this collection, locate an article that imagined a type of utopian future, in America or elsewhere, that, in your evaluation, remains a future still imagined today by political or other types of organizations. Note: you need not personally admire this vision in order to write its history. This assignment needs to summarize the article’s content and explain the author’s interpretation in its historical context. You may also want to briefly document the idea’s existence now.
-Essay Type: “Contextual Analysis”
-Writing Format: 12pts New Times Roman
-One inch margins
-MLA format
-“1 source required” is the article youre going to locate and talk about
-5 pages of narrative (not including the reference page)
-Please include the downloaded pdf of the article from the “independent voices” digital collection.