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The Global Health Country

Zimbabwe is the country I chose.

The Global Health Country Analysis Project assignment is an opportunity to explore global health through the lens of one particular country of your choice (with the exception of the country in which you reside). For this country-specific analysis project, you will research the geographic, economic, ethnic, political/governmental, cultural and historical backdrop of the country relevant to the state of the country’s public health. This analysis will prepare you to then assess the country’s health and health care within the context of global health.

Your completed Global Health Country Analysis Project should be between 10-15 pages in length. The title page, references, charts and/or graphs, appendices, etc. are not included in the page count. As with all EDD 915 assignments, the use of APA Style (7th edition) is required.

Please address the following in your Global Health Country Analysis Project (in no particular order after introducing your country):

  1. Country Introduction: Name, location, and demographic indicators.
  2. Background and Context: Geographic, economic, ethnic, political/governmental, cultural and historical backdrop of the country relevant to the state of the country’s public health and resultant outcomes.
  3. Status of Individual and Population Health.
  4. Burden of Disease.
  5. Public Health Priorities:
  • After identifying the country’s public health priorities, select one or two of the top priorities to analyze further and defend. Using evidence and supportive criteria, defend why the health priority or priorities are most important at this time.
  • Examine and explain the domestic and international policy context surrounding your chosen health priority or priorities.
  • Identify the domestic stakeholders of the health priority or priorities. Identify any international stakeholders or actors involved with the health priority or priorities.
  • Determine and explain if international trade and/or any international treaties impact the health priority or priorities.
  • Provide relevant health data related to the public health priority or priorities.
  1. Health Care Status:
  • Analyze and explain past and present efforts to address your country’s health care issues, with particular attention to the health priority or priorities you selected. Explain any challenges, barriers or limitations to these efforts. What efforts have been successful and why?
  1. Recommendations:
  • From your perspective as a health care leader, what interventions, strategies, and/or solutions do you propose to improve the state of health, health care, and health care outcomes in your selected country?
  • Present your justification for directing additional attention and resources toward the top health priority or priorities you identified.