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Each team will complete the assigned tasks and submit a team written report. The overall team grade is worth 100 points. This portion of the grade evaluates the materials created in the digital awareness campaign and the written report.


  • Coordinate a digital awareness campaign about the organization (persuading others to donate to and/or learn more about the organization. At minimum must include examples of Facebook/Instagram posts. You will actually implement this plan. You should include screen shots of your social media posts.
  • Create a 5-7min. creative video project about the organization and social issue they address (worth 50 points)

Team Report: The team will submit ONE group report document.

  • Cover page – all team members names
  • Description of Digital Awareness Campaign (overall strategy how using social media to advocate for the organization and/or social issue)
  • Description of the Implementation of the Plan & Discussion of the types of social media posts.
  • Evaluation of effectiveness of Digital Awareness Campaign (likes? shares?)
  • The summary should be about 2 pages typed-double spaced.
  • Reference Page: Cite the website and materials you used (4 required sources about the organization; about the social issue; or about how to use social media to advocate)
  • Appendix: Supporting Documentation (screen shots (Facebook; Instagram; Twitter)
we are talking about the red cross i just need to slides talking about the organizations and ill post it on my social media