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Speech Topic:  All Voters should be required to show a photo identification 

Purpose: Present a speech on a proposition of policy selected from a list of several propositions your instructor provides you. This speech is designed to allow the speaker to advocate for a topic they feel passionate about. The speaker should focus on reinforcing or changing a belief, or moving the audience to action.

Requirements: Choose one proposition from the list and defend it as desired. (You may take any position you choose) Your speech must also address and refute the key counter-argument of the other side. Note: Your speech must contain at least two different types of evidence. This is a research-based speech that requires the speaker to include outside source information within the context of their speech. The speaker will gather a minimum of four different types of supporting material from a variety of credible sources (e.g., books, reference works, magazines, newspapers, etc.) and orally cite each source within their speech.

Outline: Required. A speech outline is required of each speaker. Also, each student is required to turn in a full sentence outline prior to presenting the speech. A standardized reference page (APA style) should be included with the outline. The outline will be submitted to the appropriate area on Canvas.