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 12-point Times New Roman font for the text and Arial font for figure labels.
 Running headings should be in ALL CAPS aligned to the upper left-hand corner and should include the title page.
 All headings of equal importance are given the same heading level.
 Use only as many heading levels as needed.
 If sections can be divided by two or more subsections, use subsection headings.
 Heading level format
Title Pages and Abstracts:
Title pages are required for all academic research papers and should include the following:
 Double-spaced
 Name of Paper (1st line centered in the middle of the page)
 Author (2nd line centered in the middle of the page)
 Affiliation (3rd line centered in the middle of the page)
An abstract may be required for lengthy papers (to be required at the discretion of the faculty). An abstract is:
 A concise summary of the key points of research
 One double-spaced paragraph
 Between 150 and 250 words in length
Click here for more information on title pages and abstracts. Citing Sources In-Text:
Paraphrased content in-text.
When students utilize knowledge from a source but are not directly quoting the information, they can paraphrase citing references in-text. In these instances, the name of the author must be directly followed by the date.
Author (Date): Williams (2000) notes…
(Author, Date): A recent study (Williams, 2000) indicates that…
Direct quotations in-text.
When students utilize direct quotes from a source, the following guidelines apply:
 Direct quotation in-text citations must include the page number.
 The period is located outside the quotes and after the end parenthesis.
 If the quote ends with a question mark or explanation point, they would be placed
inside the quotes, and the period would follow the end parenthesis.
 If quoting from a web source with no page numbers, use paragraphs as an