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Short Story Essay


  1. Read all material listed in the Learning Activities folder.
  2. Participate in the discussion located at the Discussion Board link on the course menu.
  3. Continue reading your novel.
  4. Write an essay of 750-1000 words on the use of a single literary device (from the list of terms in the Learning Activities folder) used within one of the short stories you read for this lesson. Be sure to:
    • Include an alphanumeric outline.
    • Use MLA format.
    • Include a Works Cited page.
    • Create the essay with the understanding that this is not a book report. Don’t summarize the story, as that is only appropriate for a sentence or two in the introduction. Tell me how a literary device was used in the story.
    • Cite examples from the story in support of your argument using proper MLA format (quotations for direct citations, as well as parenthetical references for both these and paraphrases).
    • Check the syllabus for the due date.

Story ——

  1. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper”