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focus on concrete / detailed content related to the strategy that you are in charge of.

For example, if you are dealing with strategy 3 (settings-approach) with a “healthy eating program at school”, your section would start with:
  • a brief description of what setting approach is in general (i.e., your knowledge from the readings/lectures, etc.),
  • What kind of actual events or programs are done by the program.
  • Who are the target groups/stakeholders?
  • How do they apply the whole-organizational approach/systems?
  • What are the outcomes? (i.e., concrete / detailed knowledge about the case from your fieldwork

Some additional more analytical questions that you might want to ask in your analysis:

―What’s there?
 ―What’s missing?
―Why do they do / not do that?
―Who are involved (stakeholders? volunteers?)
―How do they get involved (level of participation)?
―What are the strengths/weaknesses of current conditions in terms of the setting approach?
―How could even better outcomes be achieved?
– How are other similar programs in other locations doing? etc.
If you think that your program is already very successful, you can persuade the readers why it is successful by providing concrete examples:
e.g. “As for health communication, the program has been actively utilizing social media sites since 2015, and they were hit by 500 users per day (cite info source: e.g. the interview with the agency). This shows this program is aware of what appropriate tools for health communication for their target youth, and incorporated all the strengths of mHealth and digital media for health communication (cite info source: e.g. textbook chapter). This new approach has helped them overcome the limitation of using traditional one-way communication mass media campaign, and expanded their health communication strategy for not only information transmission purpose, but also for creating support groups among users (cite info source: e.g. lecture).”
In the same way, if you find some shortcomings, you can make recommendations, explaining why those recommendations might be effective.
Propose concrete recommendations supported by evidence. For example:
when you make a general suggestion like “It would be better if the programs could more actively facilitate the participation of stakeholders” you need to explain what type/level of participation, how it should be facilitated, and who those stakeholders are in the context of the program.
Please try to avoid generic suggestions using vague words that could be applied to any kind of HP program (e.g., “They should develop more partnership”. [partnership with whom for what? should be included]).
It is also important that you support your recommendation with evidence (e.g., the theories or the results of other successful similar interventions in literature, etc.) [** It is a good idea to check whether the best practice programs already exist from the PHAC’s website and other referred articles in health promotion related academic journals].