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Rhetorical Analysis Assignment
Select one of the modes of analysis from this module (Ch 3.3-3.7) and apply it to one of the following topics. You will have to develop your topic and approach based upon your research and interests. Your chosen rhetorical approach should be made apparent in the essay’s thesis and structure. Make sure to use transition words appropriate to your rhetorical approach.

Use at least ONE source from at least ONE of the scholarly journals listed below (these journals are available through GALILEO). You should also find at least ONE other authoritative source for a total of two sources cited in your essay. Include an accompanying Works Cited page with MLA 8th or 9th edition bibliographic citation and in-text citation (WARNING: Do not copy in-text citation formatting from your sources–they may not be formatted in MLA).
Electric Vehicles vs. Internal Combustion Engines: International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, Thermal Science, Energies.
COVID Vaccines vs. Natural Immunity: Scientific Reports, Journal of Biomedical Science, PLoS Pathogens.
Vegetarian vs. Other Diets: European Journal of Nutrition, International Journal of Food Sciences & Nutrition, International Journal of Eating Disorders.
Traditional Schooling vs. Non-traditional Schooling: Sociological Forum, Educational Review, School Psychology Review.
After proofreading and revising your essay, create a final version for submission. Papers submitted that do not meet minimal formatting requirements, lack citation, or are plagiarized will be returned to you ungraded.
Length: At least 1,000 words (NOT counting Works Cited page), 12 pt font size, Times New Roman (submissions under 1,000 words will NOT be graded).
MLA 8th or 9th edition formatting for page, in-text citations, and bibliographic citations (see the MLA Format page as needed)
Submitted as either a .doc, .docx, .rtf or .pdf file with your first and last name in the file name.
Submit your final version as a single file upload to this drop box only. If you are having trouble uploading to the drop box, e-mail a copy to me to avoid late penalties. Only submissions to this drop box will be graded. Submissions with a SafeAssign originality report score of over 45 percent will not be graded.