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1. Cover Page The cover page should give the title of the report, your name, and the date. This page is not numbered. The following pages will be numbered starting with page number one.
2. Main Body of Report The main body of the case study report should include the conclusions and separated in a the three-step analysis is discussed in a subsequent section below. 
– Problem statement/Key issue: Start with a statement of the Identity Theft issues or problems you have identified through your study. Concentrate on the critical issues that were facing the individual or organization.
– Alternative strategies: You can now layout the alternative strategies that may have been available to the individual or organization. Limit yourself to the three or four best options. Explain why these options were viable; point out the benefits you would have expected. Describe how each of the implementations of each strategy could have affected the situation.
– Recommendation: Identify which one of the alternative strategies you would have recommended to prevent the initial Identity Theft. Explain your recommendation. This explanation should flow naturally from your earlier discussion of alternatives.
Assume the reader and listener is already familiar with the Identity Theft situation as described. You should, however, refer to specific data or facts when necessary to support your analysis or conclusions. Your report should be clear, concise, and objective.
Differentiate between facts, opinions, and assumptions. Assess all evidence in the case to determine its accuracy, reliability, and relevance. If different facts seem to conflict, try to resolve the disagreements. 
3. References:Provide complete citations for any concepts or facts from sources other than your textbooks, class lectures, and discussions. 
4. Appendices (if any):Tables, charts, diagrams, financial analyses, etc. to support your report. Be sure that any appendices are referenced in the body of your report. 
GRAMMAR, WRITING STYLE, AND EDITINGSpelling, punctuation, and grammar, as well as the overall appearance and readability of the report, will also significantly influence your grade. Every written product or presentation you turn out, now and in the future, will be judged on both its content and appearance. As such it will reflect directly on you as a professional and will influence the effectiveness of your presentation. Prepare your case assignments carefully and turn in a quality product. Every report should be spell-checked, and then reviewed for errors that the program may have missed. Make sure that you PROOF-READ YOUR REPORTS before submitting them. Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors create a very bad impression and detract from the impact of your report. YOUR REPORT MUST ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES WITH RESPECT TO FORM:
1. REPORT -The length of the report should be a minimum of four pages double-spaced (not including references, appendices, or the cover page).– Use only a 12-point font (preferably Helvetica, Times, or Times Roman). – The entire report, including exhibits or appendices must be in black and on standard white letter-size paper. – Use 1-inch margins all around. – You may use bold or underlined section headings. – Number the pages: Include a running footer with sequential page numbers. Do not number your cover page. The first page of the body of