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Respond to ANY of the following prompts with at least 150 words total (about 10 sentences). You do not have to respond to all of the prompts. You can write separate sentences or write a short essay in paragraph form.  You must include at least 2 ideas or pieces of information from the lecture video and other videos included in the lecture using quotes and quotation marks.  Some ways to do this include:

  • I agree/disagree with the video when it says “quote from video” because…
  • I like/dislike when it says “quote from video” because…
  • An example of “quote from video” from life is…
  • I understand “quote from video” because…
  • I don’t understand “quote from video” because…
  • “Quote from video” is really important because…
  • etc.

Writing prompts:

  • What do you think about the idea of “Care as Activism”? What do you think about what the nurses achieved for people with AIDS early in the pandemic?  Are there other stigmatized groups that need activism to get medical and mental health care?  When should providers advocate to change things on behalf of their patients and clients?
  • What kinds of people are not getting the health or mental health care they deserve? What factors contribute to their lack of care? What should be done about it? This can go beyond HIV to any medical or mental health issue. You can include ideas such as stigma, economic status, access to health insurance, race, citizenship status, religion, age, gender, etc. Include specific information with a reference (such as statistics or a news article.)
  • What do you think about the high rates of HIV faced by girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa? Do you agree that girls and young women should “have a voice,” that is, to be able to bring their opinions and experiences to professionals to solve the problems they face?  Include at least three specific ideas shared by girls and young women in Zambia about what they experience or what they recommend.
  • Can you relate to any of this history or any of these problems from personal experience? Do you think HIV is a risk where you are from? What do you think these videos get right? What do you think could be done to help? Give specific examples and ideas.
  • Respond to the lecture and videos in some other way. (You still must include at least 2 specific ideas from the videos).