Realms of the World—write one shorty-short 25-50 word paragraph describing each realm listed below, highlighting its “uniqueness”. Your paragraph should answer two questions: “What sets this realm apart from other world realms?” And, “What gives this realm its ‘geographic personality’”?
North America
Middle America
South America
Sub-Saharan Africa
North Africa and Southwest Asia
South Asia
East Asia
Southeast Asia
Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands
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Regions of Realms–write one shorty-short 50-word+ paragraph describing each region within each realm listed below, highlighting its “uniqueness”. Your paragraphs should answer two questions: “What sets this region apart from other regions in its realm?” And, “What gives this region its ‘geographic personality’”?
Northern Europe
Southern Europe
Central Europe
The British Isles
Eastern Europe
The Russian Core
The Eastern Frontier
The Far East
Southern Russia