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“The following questionnaire is designed to help you understand yourown cultural tendencies. Select the answer that most closely approx-imates your beliefs and behavior. For maximum growth, we recom-mend that you answer the questionnaire before you read the bookand then review your answers after you’ve finished reading.Chapter I. Relationships: Individual or Collective?

  1. Your group has been assigned a new project. What is your feel-ing about it?(A)  You would just as soon do it on your own and finish faster.(B)  You look forward to learning more by working with the team.
  2. The division in your company that has the most sales for thethird quarter will win a 10 percent bonus. There is an additional10 percent bonus for the person with highest sales in the over-all company. How would you approach the contest?(A)  Double your efforts to win the 10 percent individual bonus.(B)  Meet with your group to devise a plan to ensure that yourdivision wins.
  3. You are taking a train or entering a restaurant. Neither the traincar nor the restaurant is full. Which of the following optionswould you choose?(A)  You select a seat away from other people.(B)  You select a seat near other people”

“4.  Your company is expanding to South America, and you havebeen sent to meet with the Venezuelan representative. How doyou approach the meeting?(A)  You fly to Caracas, plan to meet, and return the followingday.(B)  You fly to Caracas a day early to tour so that you can com-ment on the beauty of the countryside and the history ofthe nation when you meet with the representative.

  1. Your meetings with the international team have lasted all day.What do you do after hours?(A)  Make your excuses and retire for the night.(B)  Believe it is your obligation to go out with the group nomatter how tired you are.Calculate your score. If you answered with more As, you probablycome from an individualistic culture. More Bs may indicate that youcome from a collective culture.Chapter II. Social Framework: High Context or Low Context?
  2. You usually pick up the body language of others and know in-tuitively if something is bothering them.(A)  No(B)  Yes
  3. Your colleague says, “This department has never lost so muchmoney.” How do you feel about the comment?(A)  The comment annoys you because you know that severalyears ago the department had a loss that was a quarter-of-a-million more than the present problem.(B)  You understand that your colleague didn’t mean what hesaid literally; rather, he was commenting on the difficultiesthe company has been facing.
  4. The new department head hands down a list of rules for em-ployees. You react as follows:(A)  You tack up the rules in your cubicle so that you can referto them periodically.(B)  You glance at the rules and plan to follow them or bendthem depending on the situation.”

“9.  Your manager has given her analysis of the department’s lossesin the first quarter. You disagree with the manager’s assess-ment.(A)  You openly state your disagreement.(B)  You cross your arms, lean back, and wait to be asked youropinion.

  1. When deciding on a person to promote in your department, youface the problem of choosing between two equally qualified in-dividuals, one of whom is your cousin. What do you do?(A)  Choose the applicant who is not your cousin.(B)  Choose your cousin.Calculate your score. If you answered with more As, you probably come from a low-context culture. More Bs may indicate that you come from a high-context culture.Chapter III. Time: Linear, Flexible, or Cyclical?
  2. You are on vacation. The mass transit train arrives late, and the platform is quite crowded. What do you do?(A)  Push forward.(B)  Wait patiently to board.
  3. At the office, you are on the phone when you see a colleague walk toward you. Because he’s been traveling, you haven’t seen him in a month. What do you do?(A)  Smile and wave and hold up your finger to indicate, “Waita minute.”(B)  Terminate the call so you can greet your colleague.
  4. Do you carry a PDA, day planner, or calendar with appointments?(A)  Yes(B)  No
  5. Are you comfortable doing multiple tasks at the same time?(A)  No(B)  Yes
  6. Are your business colleagues and the group you socialize withusually similar?(A)  No(B)  Yes”

“Calculate your score. If you answered with more As, you may tend toward a linear-time orientation. If you scored more Bs, you may be from a flexible- or cyclical-time orientation. Chapter IV. Power: Hierarchical or Democratic?

  1. You’ve worked with the new vice president for several months and have formed an opinion of her. You like her for the follow-ing reason.(A)  She listens to various opinions and seeks consensus.(B)  She takes charge and doesn’t put up with any nonsense.
  2. You have been selected by the head of your department to be a team member on a big project. At the first team meeting, some people suggest that the team select a leader.(A)  You disagree. No one should be singled out as higher inrank than the others.(B)  You  agree.  The  team  will  accomplish  more  with  clear leadership and structure.
  3. Your division is facing cutbacks, and you must decide how this should be accomplished. What would you do?(A)  Call a meeting of employees to discuss options.(B)  Cut everyone’s salary by 3%.
  4. You’ve been introduced to an economist from a prominent university in Madrid. You address him in the following manner:(A)  It’s nice to meet you, Rodrigo.(B)  It’s good to meet you, Dr. Barbato.
  5. You will be meeting with representatives of a South Korean electronics firm. You decide to wear the following:(A)  Business casual attire.(B)  Business attire.

Calculate your score. If you answered with more As, you may tend toward a more democratic view of organizational culture. If you scored more Bs, you probably have a more hierarchical view of orga-nizational culture”