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Hi your going to be writing a pyschology research paper using the two articles I sent you. If you can’t access the articles for some reason or      feel like the articles don’t work your more than welcome to use two other empircal research articles using the pyscharticles database. I would  prefer the topic of the articles to be on anxiety since I planned orginally on writting about that. I am willing too tip well if all the directions are    followed correctly in accordance to the instruction I have sent you below. If you have any questions regarding the essay please don’t hestitate  to let me know. The instructions  must be followed perfectly (very important). Make sure to link  both sources used in APA format on last page. Thank you and good luck. 🙂

article links: Anxiety affecting childhood:

Helpful Videos:
Empircal Research article:
Apa Citation using pyschology articles: