public budgeting and public policies
I’m working on public budgeting and public policies
To get a feel for framing empirical work in theoretical terms, please prepare a brief paper (about 4-5 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1″ margins) that describes the subsystem in a U.S. domestic policy domain of your choice, and frames the discussion theoretically in terms of work on our reading list. This means that you will frame your analysis in terms of theory that we have read and say how theory helps illuminate the subsystem in the policy area you choose, or how empirical findings bring theory into question. Please plan to present your paper in class – about 3-5 minutes presenting, followed by questions on March 7th.
You may choose a policy area on the national, state, or local level. The discussion should identify actors within the subsystem in terms of formal and informal policy participants.
I don’t have a topic I want to write about yet but it has to be a domestic issue