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Imagine you contribute to a science communication blog. You are asked to produce an article to tell the story of the development of an idea in mathematics.

Genre: a pop(ular) science article.

Objective: to inform, interest, and engage the reader.

Audience: a mixed audience comprising the educated general public.

Length: 600 to 700 words.

References: at least three in-text citations.

Preparing your work

First, choose a topic that you are interested in. Some examples of topics are given here:

counter intuitive probability problems (e.g. Monty Hall problem, birthday problem, gambler’s ruin) –description of rational, algebraic, irrational, transcendental numbers (properties and examples) – explanation of different types of infinity (countable, uncountable) – history of estimating pi – history of e –cryptography’s use of prime numbers – Pascale’s triangle – any of the Millennium Problems from the Clay Mathematics Institute


Then, narrow down your chosen broad area to identify a focused mathematics topic or concept that interests you.

Finally, choose one of the story types underneath to frame your focused mathematics topic or concept in order to produce your article.

  1. The story of how scientists’ understanding of a particular mathematics idea has developed.
  2. The story of how a mathematics breakthrough came about.
  3. The story of how a mathematics prize was won (e.g. Fields Medal).
  4. The story of how a mathematician got something wrong, and how they found a solution to this or moved forwards over time.
  5. The story of how society’s perception of or belief in a particular mathematics idea has changed over time.
  6. The story of how a breakthrough in mathematics has led to change or had impact in wider society.
  7. The story of how a finding in mathematics has led to progress in another science discipline.
  8. The story of how a particular sub-discipline of mathematics came about.
  9. The story of how a particular mathematics study or research project has influenced our understanding.