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popular media article assessment,

In the popular media article assessment, you will be focusing on fact-based, responsible and ethical communication based on the format of The Conversation. You will assume that your audience is non-scientific. While your audience may range in age (i.e. 16 years – 95 years old), readability of popular media articles is based on that of an educated 16-year old.

A well-rounded popular media article contains a short catchy title; a snappy start with the articles’ essential facts; the who, what, where, when, why, and sometimes how; and a clear ending that either reiterates the key point of the article or proposes what is next. When communicating with a broad audience you should aim to explain complex ideas, use simple language (i.e. avoid jargon), as well as using a tone and language that promotes readability. You should also aim to back up your statements, facts and figures with reliable sources.


1. Use the recently published primary article (published in the last six months) and your notes as the basis for your popular media article


2. You may need to source other primary, secondary or governmental reports (where necessary) to support the writing of your popular media article


3. You can now begin writing your popular media article. Aim for your popular media article to be between 600-700 words (reference list is excluded from the word limit). Popular media articles should:

      • Contain an eye-catching engaging title
      • Have a snappy start by introducing the articles’ essential facts i.e. the hook
      • Provide the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your topic
      • Provide a concluding statement that acts as a clear ending to your article i.e. the resolution
      • Write in a language and style that is suitable for your audience
      • You will need to add at least one graphic to your article. Photos, videos, tables and graphs can bring a story to life
      • Acknowledge all sources (e.g. relevant text sources, graphics etc). For the popular media article links to sources, and a reference list are appropriate acknowledgements.
You can use or any other reliable source within the biomedical science/medicine/health field.
Please choose a topic within the health field and a PRIMARY article that is not older than 6 months.
attached below is the assessment criteria where it will be marked.