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Respond to your classmate’s response below, in 200 words, citing one source.
Discussion Question:

Change is inevitable in healthcare and in nursing. When thinking of the change process, what is the role of the nurse leader/manager in the change process? What impact does change have within health care organizations as a whole?

Classmate’s response:

Change frequently happens in our environment, and the healthcare industry is no exception to this rule. Our surroundings, habits, behavior, and culture, all of which are developing and always changing, have a significant impact on our overall health. Even health concerns may develop over time. Modernization fixes not only existing issues but also causes new ones to arise. As a result, adaptability is essential for dealing with these shifts effectively. Change is a long-term commitment that entails the dissemination of a new concept. In the field of health care, change is constant, whether it is the updating of a hospital policy or the deployment of an evidence-based practice approach (such as telehealth). Nurse leaders must take on the role of change agent, bringing about reforms that will enhance nursing practice while also improving the quality of patient care. Change does not always come easy, and it is often met with opposition from a wide range of stakeholders. Because the change process breaks the regular equilibrium that occurs in a group, it is reasonable to anticipate some amount of resistance. Getting beyond this resistance, motivating nurses to grasp the reasons for the change, and including them in the process are all difficult challenges in change management.

It is critical for a nurse to be able to adjust to these shifts in the workplace. Nursing management strategies that have been successful in the past may not be appropriate now. New innovations are also being developed, and nurses must be able to use these advancements effectively. As a result, it is necessary to support lifelong learning (Wilcox, 2020). Nursing leaders and managers have a responsibility to assist their subordinates in adjusting to these changes and ensuring that continuous learning is encouraged.

Healthcare organizations must constantly analyze and test their present treatment methods to see whether they are still effective and up to date in the face of constant change. They do this via the assessment of research papers and the adaptation of new trends in healthcare administration (Manderscheid & Freeman, 2012).

There are certain changes that occur gradually, but in rare cases, a dramatic alteration may occur as well. Because of the Pandemic status of COVID 19, the whole healthcare system experienced a significant amount of stress. An unexpected change must be accommodated as soon as possible, and a new guideline must be developed and regularly changed when new findings are discovered.



Manderscheid, S. V., & Freeman, P. D. (2012). Managing polarity, paradox, and dilemma during leader transition. European Journal of Training and Development.

Wilcox, J. (2020). Marketing Clinical Nurse Yourself Leader as. Fast Facts for the Clinical Nurse Leader,