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Organic food

  1. Research Question and Working Thesis

Research question:      Are organic food healthier for humans and safer for the environment than conventional foods?

Working thesis:           Organic food has more health and environmental benefits than conventional foods, mainly because it does not contain harmful chemicals to people and the environment, making it better than conventional foods.

  1. Detailed Outline
  1. Introduction:
  2. Organic food has become essential worldwide.
  3. It is caused by the great concern that it is healthier and safer than conventional foods.
  4. It causes greenhouse gas emissions.

Thesis: Organic food has more health and environmental benefits than conventional foods, mainly because it does not contain harmful chemicals to people and the environment, making it better than conventional foods.

Source 1: Asta on the Nutritional Quality

Source 2: Smith on Greenhouse gas

  1. Nutritional benefits
  2. Antioxidant concentrations, especially polyphenols.
  3. Organic Meat products contain improved fatty acid profiles

Source 1: Vigar on the consumption of organic vs. conventional

  • Health benefits
  1. Organic food consumers exhibit healthier dietary patterns
  2. Reduces soft tissue sarcoma and breast cancer
  3. Decreases the risk of developing non-Hodgkins lymphoma
  4. Reduces obesity and allergic diseases

Source 1: Mutiri and Al-Sowayan on Human Health

Source 2:  Mie on “Human health implications.”

  1. Environmental benefits
  2. Enhances biodiversity by ensuring the farms are free of pests, diseases, and bad weather.
  3. Reduces soil erosion, which affects the land, food supply, and humans.
  4. Fewer environmental damages do not release any synthetic pesticides to the environment.
  5. Increase soil carbon sequestration.
  6. lower levels of toxic metabolites
  7. reduce exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Source 1: Mike on organic food benefits

Source 2: Smith on Greenhouse gas

Source 3: Joel on organic food advantages and disadvantages

Source 4: Vigar on Food Consumption benefits on healthy.



  1. Counter argument
  2. The emission of greenhouse gas and biodiversity may be affected by organic farming, which would affect human health through food security.
  3. Increased soil carbon sequestration alters local GHG budgets favorably

Source 1: Mie “Human health implications.”

Source 2:  Smith on Greenhouse gas

  1. Conclusion
  2. Summarize the research
  3. Organic food has more health and environmental benefits compared to conventional foods.












  1. Reflection Questions

Question 1

The most challenging aspect I encountered in writing my research was developing a valid research question that directed me to my thesis statement and ensuring relevant information supporting my research question. The research question acted as the foundation for my work as it determined the type of information that I would search for and what I needed to discuss. It took me a couple of minutes to develop a good research question relevant to global issues.

Question 2

My working thesis statement is effective in my work as, first, it is a straightforward sentence that indicates my stand on the argumentative essay between organic and conventional food. My working thesis statement is also more elaborated. I never wanted to write anything general; I wanted to make it sufficiently specific and narrow, and I needed to be subjective and neutral to convey my research meaning.

Question 3

My outline started with an introduction that will introduce what organic foods are how, and through organic food, we get to see why I would sometimes talk about organic farming as it is the source of organic food. Then I went to nutritional benefits, which through the nutritional benefits it would provide me with health benefits obtained from the nutritional benefits. Then I went to environmental benefits and lastly, the counter-argument, where despite the organic benefits being advantages, I illustrated the disadvantages of organic food. In conclusion, I summarized my entire essay.

Question 4

I believe my outline is well detailed and easy to understand. However, the kind of feedback I would like is on the sources; since I did not indicate the article’s title, I just indicated the name and idea. Wouldn’t it be challenging once again to find the sources?




Touchstone 1.2 Rubric and Feedback
Rubric Category  Feedback Score (acceptable, needs improvement etc.)


Research Question





Working Thesis




Detailed Outline   /15









Reflection   /5


Overall Score and Feedback: /50




With some revision, this submission will put you on good footing for the coming argument. 1) Saying one is better in this case is probably not even an argument. Organic food is demonstrably better. Phrase the thesis as a “should—because” statement. “Consumers should choose organic food over other selections b/c (1, 2, 3)” which previews your evidence. 2) Give the detailed outline much more detail (and don’t say you’re going to write or do anything. Actually write it). 3) Create a respectful counter that says the opposite of your position. 4) Conclude by restating the clear thesis/position statement.

I look forward to your revision.
