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The purpose of this assignment is for the you to complete your DMIN Portfolio by writing a chapter that addresses the issue of next steps in the ministry following the implementation of your four Micro-Projects. This is a concluding chapter that takes in consideration what was learned in the projects and what needs to be done next in the ministry. Every project should cause a leader to think about what needs to be done following a ministry effort. The construction of this chapter will complete your Portfolio and will prepare you for your Oral Defense in the upcoming second half of the course.


Using the DMIN Portfolio Template, you will write a 5–10-page chapter, double-spaced in Times New Roman font, utilizing Microsoft Word.

This is your concluding chapter and must make an important forward-thinking contribution to your overall DMIN Portfolio.

This is not where you summarize your work, nor where you assess your work. You have already done that in the previous chapters. This is the chapter where you defend your application of the Micro-Projects and where you answer the questions, what will you do with the Micro-Projects you have created? What will you do or what should be done to take the next steps of ministry with the work that was begun with the implementation of these Micro-Projects?

In this concluding chapter you are to look forward to what you perceive must be the next steps of the ministry after these Micro-Projects.  What in the ministry still needs attention?  What projects should be pursued next and why?  What was not effective in the implementation of your Micro-Projects and what needs to be done in the future to address the ministry problem differently.

In this chapter you are to write meaningfully and stay within the page limits.  Think deeply about how this DMIN Portfolio should be concluded and write clearly with an eye to future research, development of strategy, and implementation of ministry efforts.  Be sure to anchor everything you write to the addressing of the Ministry Problem and be certain to connect the results of your Micro-Projects to the forward-thinking conclusions you draw.

A well-crafted concluding chapter is critical to your preparation for your Oral Defense. You should expect your defense, not only to place focus on the implementation and assessment of the projects, but also generate rigorous discussion about ministry next steps. The crafting of this chapter should prepare you for those portions of your Oral Defense.

It is important when you submit this last chapter into your DMIN Portfolio that you make sure all previously written chapters in the document have been corrected and improved per your professor’s previous input.

By completing this chapter, you will be completing your DMIN Portfolio. Congratulations on this monumental achievement. After this, you will prepare for your Oral Defense.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.