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narrative Speech

Prepare a two- to three-minute personal experience (narrative) speech. Think about experiences you have had that were humorous, suspenseful, or dramatic that dramatized something that is important to you, and select one that you think your audience would enjoy hearing about.


_____ 1.     Did the speaker’s narrative make an important point (moral of the story)?

_____ 2.     Did the speaker provide sufficient details about the setting(s), character(s), and event(s)?

_____ 3.     Did the speaker dramatize the story with dialogue or emotional incidents?

_____ 4.     Did the speaker offer listener-relevance links?

_____ 5.     Did the speech fall within the time constraints of the assignment?


  1. Did the speech provide all the basic elements of an effective speech: introduction, body, conclusion, and transitions? ______ (macrostructure)
  2. Did the introduction catch the audience’s interest? ______ state the goal of the speech? ______   preview the main points of the speech? ______
  3. Were transitions provided between each main point? ______
  4. Did the conclusion remind the audience of the main points? ______ motivate the audience to remember the main points of the speech? ______
  5. Did the speaker use words that were accurate and clear? ______ vivid and emphatic? ______   appropriate and inclusive? ______   (microstructure)