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It is crucial that every funeral director understand the reasons behind full FTC compliance, how it benefits the consumer, and the repercussions of failing to comply with the Funeral Rule.   Please view Video One. (link opens in new window);  Video Two. (LINK OPENS IN NEW WINDOW); and Video opens in new window) before commenting on the discussion board.
Post your response to the following question in the Module Six Discussion Board thread.  This assignment is due by the end of the module.
Respond to the following discussion question for this module. How has the FTC helped to eliminate much of the deception of funeral homes since 1984?
Grading Criteria
Your discussion should be based upon your readings for this module.  Post your opening response early in the assignment period so that others have time to respond to you.  For a top score, ou must respond constructively to at least three other students. More extensive participation will be noted. A grading rubric is attached.
video 1
video 2