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1) In discussions of mass incarceration, one controversial issue has been whether or not imprisonment policy should consider the special circumstances and challenges associated with imprisoning so-called “special populations”, such as [___________]. On one hand, some people argue we should adjust our imprisonment policies to address the special circumstances and challenges associated with imprisoning special populations such as [___________] because they different from the stereotypical, violent male prisoners who simply choose to commit dangerous crimes. On the other hand, others argue we should not adjust our imprisonment policies to address the special circumstances of this population because they are not so different from the stereotypical male prisoners and we should prioritize safety, whether inside or outside the prison. The purpose of my paper is to argue______________________.
2) What special population will you focus on? [Mentally Ill/Females/Senior Citizens/Drug Addicts/Prisoners at risk for Sexual Assault/Prisoners at risk for Isolation/Other Prisoner Population]
3) Do members of this prisoner population seem to have the same pathways to imprisonment as do the stereotypical male prisoners?
4) Do members of this prisoner population seem to be as violent and dangerous as stereotypical male prisoners?
5) Does it seem like imprisoning this population like we do is making either the prison environment or society at large any safer?
6) Does imprisoning this population like we do seem to incur special costs for either this prisoner population or society at large?
7) Add a bibliography here in APA format of the media sources you expect to use to write your paper. Aim for at least six to give yourself a good sense of what the case was about?