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  1. Add your Distribution assignment information to a new section of your Marketing  Plan with the heading “Distribution.” (1 point)
  2. Add at least one introductory paragraph to each of the major sections of the draft of your Marketing Plan. This means you will write an introductory paragraph for each of the following sections:
    1. Strategic Planning
    2. The Business Environment
    3. Consumer Experience
    4. Market Segmentation
    5. Products
    6. Distribution
      1. This means you will have a total of 6 new paragraphs.
  3. Each of the introductory paragraphs must include:
    1. At least one sentence describing the most important information in that section and why it is important for the business.
    2. At least one sentence describing what new actions the business should take because of the most important thing in that section.
    3. At least one sentence describing something the business should not change & why related to the information in the section.

Use the template below for each paragraph…if you don’t, you will not earn all the points…

The most important issue for ___insert name of the business____ in the area of  ___insert name of section of paper____ is ____insert most important issue__________. Add at least one more sentence to explain the idea.

One new action ___insert name of the business____ should take on is ___insert most important issue________. Add at least one more sentence to explain the idea.

One item the business should not change is _______insert business activity that should not be changed_________. Add another sentence to explain the idea.