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(I have attached a sample assignment in files)

              There is no limit for use of citation, but all needs to be paraphrased not direct quote (details below in instruction)

Here are the basic requirements:

  • You will answer three essay questions, one for each category “Interventions and Prevention,” “Living with HIV/AIDS,” and “Global and National Policy.”
    • You have two question options in each category; you will choose one to answer.
  • Answers will be between 350 and 400 words. You will lose points if you go over 400 or under 350.
    • Citations do not count as words.
  • You are allowed to use any materials you see fit to help you answer the questions, though you will mostly use the lectures, slides, linked videos, and assigned readings from the class.
  • You will cite the sources you use to answer the questions.
    • Each component of your essay answer must be cited.
    • So, if you are asked for five examples of something, each example must be cited.
  • Below the questions are instructions on citing sources, paraphrasing, and formatting.

Here are the questions:

– Group #1: Interventions and Prevention. Pick one to answer. 7 points.

             Essay A. Can’t Pass It On is a campaign run by the Terrence Higgins Trust in the United Kingdom that is focused on the U=U concept, or Undetectable=Uninfectious. It relies of many different behavior change theories and principles. Explain the overall goal of Can’t Pass It On, including who it is focused on and how it helps fight HIV overall (2 points). Then discuss how Can’t Pass It On uses FIVE of the seven principles of behavior change (1 point each). You must be specific in your explanations and examples; use the terminology from lectures or the book, provide clear and concrete examples, show us that you know how the concepts work. The Terrence Higgins Trust’s Can’t Pass It On Campaign website is here: (Links to an external site.).


              Essay B. The GetPrEPLA campaign relies of many different behavior change theories and principles. Explain the overall goal of GetPrEPLA, including who it is focused on and how it helps fight HIV overall (2 points). Then discuss how GetPrEPLA uses FIVE of the seven principles of behavior change (1 point each). You must be specific in your explanations and examples; use the terminology from lectures or the book, provide clear and concrete examples, show us that you know how the concepts work. GetPrEPLA’s campaign, which includes short videos and various materials, can be found at (Links to an external site.).

– Group #3: Global and National Policy, Pick one to answer. 8 points.

               Essay C. The first goal of the National HIV Strategy is “Reducing new HIV infections,” and this goal has three steps. Explain the goal and why that goal is important as part of a strategy to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic (2 points). For each of the three steps, provide and cite an example of a method being used to take that step and explain and cite a barrier or challenge that that makes this step difficult. (Each step’s examples is 2pts.) The examples must come from specific locations in the United States. You must be specific in your explanations and examples; use the terminology from lectures or the book and provide clear, concrete, and cited examples. Show us that you know how the concepts work. (The Strategy was discussed in lecture, and the full federal document of the 2020 Update is found here. (Links to an external site.))

                Essay D. The third goal of of the National HIV Strategy is “Reducing HIV-related disparities and health inequities,” and this goal has three steps. Explain the goal and why that goal is important as part of a strategy to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic (2 points). For each of the three steps, provide and cite an example of a method being used to take that step and provide and cite a barrier or challenge that that makes this step difficult. (Each step’s examples is 2pts.) The examples must come from specific locations in the United States. You must be specific in your explanations and examples; use the terminology from lectures or the book and provide clear, concrete, and cited examples. Show us that you know how the concepts work. (The Strategy was discussed in lecture, and the  full federal document of the 2020 Update is found here (Links to an external site.).)

– Group #2: Living with HIV/AIDS. Pick one to answer. 8 points.

          Essay E. Based on the interviews with Greg Louganis (Barbara Walters’s interviews in 1995 and ESPN in 2015) the class lecture, reading, and discussions of living with HIV/AIDS, explain why Louganis reacted to their HIV diagnosis as he did, addressing these three questions:

      1. How did the HIV diagnosis threaten his self-schema? (3 pts)
      2. How did role expectationslead them to act as they did? (2 pts)
      3. What were the things they did to resolve their cognitive dissonance? (3 pts.)
      • You must define the underlined terms in context of Louganis’s story and reference specific events described or shown in the videos.
      • Here are the Louganis videos:
        • Greg Louganis on 20/20 in 1995, Part 1
        • Greg Louganis on 20/20 in 1995, Part 2
        • Greg Louganis on 20/20 in 1995, Part 3
        • Greg Louganis on 20/20 in 1995, Part 4
        • Greg Louganis interview with Sports Illustrated.

           Essay F. The HIV Care Continuum is a concept used to help public health officials understand the funding and programmatic needs of people living with HIV. Much of these services are paid for by the federal government through Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programs. Describe the origin, purpose, and evolution of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programs (2 points). Then for the parts of the HIV Care Continuum below, explain why the part is important and explain a specific type of Ryan White-funded program that addresses that part (2 point each):

      1. linkage to care (could include diagnosis and health navigators)
      2. medical care (including doctor’s visits and medicines)
      3. retention in care (could include health navigators, mental health, housing, or career services)
      4. achieving and maintaining viral suppression (could include diagnostic testing, health navigators, mental health, housing, or career services)
      • While some services and programs are applicable to two or more parts of the continuum, you may not repeat a program or service in your answer.
      • The website for the United States Health Resources and Services Administration’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (Links to an external site.) and the Kaiser Family Foundation’s primer on the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (Links to an external site.) provide numerous links and explanations of the various programs funding by Ryan White.

Instructions on citing sources, paraphrasing, and formatting.


  • Your answers should be double-spaced.
  • Include the word count of each answer at the end of the essay.
  • Your full name and email address must be on the first page of the exam.
  • Identify your essay choice simply by typing Essay E (or whatever it might be) before your answer.
  • You should have a Works Cited page at the end of the exam, after the question answers.
    • Separate the citations by essay and alphabetize by author, whether last name or organization.

On quotes, paraphrasing, and Turnitin:

  • You will cite your sources in your answers, but you may not use any quotes in your answers. You must paraphrase.
  • Here is a resource page on paraphrasing; it includes a short lecture from me and several very useful links, including how to use Turnitin as a student.
  • Your project will be analyzed by Turnitin, and you will be able to submit to Turnitin as many times as you to check your paraphrasing.
    • You will not be able to resubmit to Turnitin after the deadline.
    • You must keep your Turnitin similarity score at 10% or below.
    • You will lose 3 points for every quote you use, whether your put it between quotation marks or it is just shown by Turnitin to be a quote.


  • The most important issue with citing your sources is that the reader can easily find the source you used. 
    • The in-text citation must refer to a source fully cited in your works cited list.
    • The full citation must include the information we need to find the source ourselves.
  • How to cite an article that wasn’t assigned
    • Follow the format for the assigned readings as closely as possible.
    • Generally for in-text citation: (Last name, Date)
    • Generally for works cited: Last name, First name. Date. Title. Publication.
  • How to cite a video:
    • In-text (Brief title, Upload date), such as (Philadelphia, 2016)
    • Works cited:
      • Uploader. Date. Title. Site.
      • Example: PlayNowPlayL8tr. 2016. Philadelphia – Opera Scene(La Mamma Morta). YouTube.
  • How to cite a website:
    • In-text is (Author or Organization, Date).
    • Works cited:
      • Author (or Organization). Date (or last update). Title. Website. URL
      • Example: Kaiser Family Foundation. 2020. The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program: The Basics. (Links to an external site.)
  • How to cite something not listed here.
    • Do your best to use a short identifier for in-text citation, usually a name or title and a date (Name, Date).
    • For works cited, do your best to use a format like those discussed above. The most important thing is that the reader can easily find the source you used.