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Leadership project

Assignment overview:

As a group of young leaders, you have been set the task to identify how experienced managers have dealt with change, risk, and crisis throughout their careers. In this group, you will research real-life scenarios and from these you will develop a set of questions you wish to ask individual managers. Each member of the team will then identify one person with business experience to interview. When the interviews are all finished, you will compile the group results and compare these to the literature you have found. Once you have done this, you will prepare a 10-minute group podcast to discuss your results and how this will help you understand how to deal with change, risk, and crisis in your future careers.

As it is a podcast, you need to have listeners who will comment on your findings and help you develop your research. You will also be expected to publish at least 2 more podcast with feedback prior to your final assignment.

Overall aim: Students will undertake and apply primary research into identifying leaderships skills required for managing change, risk, and crises.

Structure or Task:

Learning Descriptor

  1.   Research
  • Your task is ultimately to record a podcast and to fill it with content, so there are several areas of research to be completed
  • You will research how to develop and implement a semi-structured interview from a range of Research Methodology books

Knowledge and understanding Transferable Skills

  • The semi-structured interview questions you develop will then be passed to your tutor for discussion about its implementation
  • Needs to identify at least 2 different academic sources on leadership skills needed for risk, change and crises management.
  • These will assist you in developing your questions. A full reference list of all references will be added to your group folder Podcast/ Class name/ Group number/ Semester.
  • Research the requirements for confidentiality with interviews.
  • Research how to record and present podcasts.
  1.   The interviews
  • Each student has to identify ONE person they know who has sufficient experience in business to answer their questions. This may be a family member or friend or someone you may have worked with on internship.
  • Permission must be given by the respondent on the GIHE Consent form. These forms will be added to your group folder Podcast/ Class name/ Group number/ Semester.
  • Each student should arrange their interview (no more than 30 minutes). The interview should be recorded and transcribed, and the raw data added to a group file named Podcast/ Class name/ Group number/ Semester. This should be shown to the tutor when you have your podcast meeting
  • The interviews need to be completed by the beginning of week 5.

Knowledge and understanding

Cognitive Skills Professional Competencies Transferable Skills


  •     Each student must prepare a table of responses highlighting keyword and phrases. In the research methodology literature investigate Thematic Analysis.
  1.     Analysis of data
  • You need to collate all your results in 1

Knowledge and understanding

Cognitive Skills Professional Competencies Transferable Skills

table with all the respondent responses. This will be added to the group file named Podcast/ Class name/ Group number/ Semester.

  • Identify your main themes and compare them again to what the academic literature is saying about how to deal with change, risk and crises.
  • Prepare an outline script for your podcast to discuss your findings and analysis.
  1.   The Podcast
  • Your podcast will be 10 minutes long, discussing your experience with this project, what you have found, your analysis of your finding and what you needs to consider as they do their next podcast.


Knowledge and understanding

Cognitive Skills Transferable Skills Using technology

  • The podcast will be uploaded on to Moodle and not the internet. (Please see the guidelines on Moodle).



  • Additional Podcasts

You are required to submit 2 further podcasts which you will develop for use in the Final assessment, The Podcast Tour : Knowledge and understanding

Transferable Skills


The qualitative criteria includes consideration of

  • The quality of the report/essay – use of sections, diagrams, figures, citation of references, neatness etc.
  • Student knowledge of the subject; depth and quality of answer
  • Evidence of reading / study beyond the regurgitation of standard taught materials
  • Shows level 5 competencies together with synthesis and evaluation
  • Common Assessment Methods: case studies, dissertations, simulations, applied business projects, final reports/end of term

papers, long answer examination.














Podcast Sources Citation (APA 7th Edition):


Gebbles, M., Gao, X., & Cai, W. (2020). Let’s not just “talk”about it: reflections on women’s career development in hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(11), 3623-3643.


Nagar, K. (2021). Representation of women managers in hospitality and tourism: a content analysis of related magazine articles. Gender in Management, 36(3), 329-348.


Jain, D. (2018). The Influence of Demographic Factors on the Satisfaction Level of Hospitality Employees with Special Reference to Age, Marital Status and Gender Diversity. IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17(2), 53–64.


Russen, M., Dawson, M., & Madera, J. M. (2021). Gender diversity in hospitality and tourism top management teams: A systematic review of the last 10 years. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 95, N.PAG.





Stamarski CS and Son Hing LS (2015) Gender inequalities in the workplace: the effects of organizational structures, processes, practices, and decision makers’ sexism. Front. Psychol. 6:1400.

doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01400

The Economic Journal, Volume 130, Issue 626, February 2020, Pages 263–289.



Kim, S. (n.d.). Women in hospitality: The balancing act. Women in Hospitality: The Balancing Act.


Aziz, M., Clifft, S. and Salloum, L. (2021), “Female Entrepreneurship and Tourism in Lebanon”, Valeri, M. and Katsoni, V. (Ed.) Gender and Tourism, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 235-256.






Podcast Interviews Background :


Example :

Giulia Rota is 25 years old and comes from Italy. She was born in a family with a passion for hospitality. She graduated in Milan from Università Cattolica in 2020. In 2021 she finished her MSC in F&B Management and she always helped and worked in the hospitality company of her family. Since Giulia was a little girl, she always had the passion for the hospitality industry, she trained her operational skills and she always had the best grades in school. Now she is working for Ferrero in Switzerland, in order to achieve a management position soon.


Podcast Questionnaire:


The hospitality industry, in particular, the F&B requires even a more amount of workindepartment requires several working hours, and the weekly schedule changes constantly. Have you ever faced any obstacles within the huge demand of working hours?


Regarding your experiences, do you think that both female and male leadership styles generally have different visions or skills? If yes, may you list some of their qualities?





Gender inequality is a huge topic in many industries, have you ever experienced any type of situation where women have been falsely treated regarding salary differences, bad treatment from colleagues, or anything else in regards to this?


Usually, male employees are more likely to climb the ladder of promotion in most industries, what are your thoughts on this and what do you think the future will look like between the promotion inequality of gender.



Who do you consider to be your biggest female role model and what impact have they had on your life and career?


When it comes to women empowerment we have come a long way, how do you as a male figure contribute to this matter?



Regarding your experiences, what are your thoughts about the Influence of Demographic Factors on the Satisfaction Level of Hospitality Employees with Special Reference to Age, Marital Status and Gender Diversity?


During your career in the hospitality industry, were you ever bothered working in a male dominated environment?