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Now that you have a good understanding of your topic and have a generalized sense of what the

issues are associated with your topic; you are ready to critically examine the problem, discuss

alternative perspectives and propose a likely solution.


 Submit a rough draft based on the research paper outline you created in your Research

Paper: Outline Assignment.

 Expand on your outline and address all sections thoroughly in at least 5 pages, excluding

the title page, abstract, table of contents, reference list, and appendices.

 Each section, from the introduction to the conclusion, is effective and labeled.

Information flows in an organized and meaningful manner.

 The paper must follow current APA format and includes at least 5 primary references and

5 biblical references that are significant to the topic.

 There is a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources.

 The instructor will provide written feedback.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.