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Journalists professional codes and ethics
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Understand the application of journalists’ professional codes of ethics.5 points

Sissela Bok’s Box.
Loyalties arising from shared humanity, professional practice, employment, and media’s role in public life.
Journalists’ codes of ethics, Ch. 4, Loyalty, Patterson and Wilkins.
-Ch. 11 Free Press-Fair Trial in Calvert, Kozlowski, and Silver
 Discuss Cases 4-A, 4-B, 4-C and 4-D. in Patterson and Wilkinpp. 91-99. Due Tuesday, 4/5 at 11:59pm.
Apply Ethical News Values on the syllabus pp. 10-12.
Feedback Reply to at least one other colleague’s post. Due Friday, 4/8 at 11:59pm.
MLA Style, must acknowledge sources including Textbooks.