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Format Requirements: To earn full credit on a journal entry, the following 4 criteria must be met:

Need 5 diffferent jounral etries based off of the sample discussion prompts.

1) Each journal entry should be ½ to 1 page.

2) Each journal entry should connect with a course concept/reading/theory, etc.  Do make sure to react to the readings in some way in order to demonstrate that you have done them.

3) Each journal entry should explicitly state your reactions/responses and your thinking and/or feeling towards the journal entry topic.  If you are a visually oriented person and wish to use pictures, etc., please feel free to do so.  While this can be a demanding assignment for some, it can be an invaluable tool as we grapple with different issues and concepts.

4).  Well-edited and free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors (except where culturally appropriate or relevant and/or in quoted content).


Sample Discussion Prompts from Chapter 8: Cultural Transitions

1.       Why does culture shock occur to people who make cultural transitions?

2.       Why are adaptations to cultures difficult for some people and easier for others?

3.       What is the role of communication in the cultural adaptation process?

4.       How do relations of power and dominance affect adaptation?

5.       What factors affect migration patterns?

6.       What dialectical tensions can you identify in the process of adapting to intercultural transitions?

Sample Discussion Prompts from Chapter 9: Popular Culture

  1. Why do people select some popular culture forms over others?
  2. How do the choices you make about what forms of popular culture to consume influence the formation of your cultural identity?
  3. What factors influence culture industries to portray cultural groups as they do?
  4. How does the portrayal of different cultural groups by the media influence intercultural interactions with those groups?
  5. What stereotypes are perpetuated by U.S. popular culture and exported to other countries?
  6. How do our social roles affect our consumption of popular culture?
  7. What strategies can people apply to resist popular culture?


Sample Discussion Prompts from Chapter 10: Culture, Communication, and Intercultural Relationships

  1. What are some of the benefits of intercultural relationships?
  2. What factors contribute to our forming relationships with some people and not with others?
  3. How is the development of intercultural relationships different from that of intracultural relationships?
  4. What challenges do intercultural couples face when they decide to make their relationships permanent?
  5. What are the advantages of taking a dialectical perspective on intercultural relationships?

Sample Discussion Prompts from Chapter 11: Culture, Communication, and Conflict

  1. How can a dialectical perspective be applied to intercultural conflict situations?
  2. Why is it important to understand the context in which intercultural conflict occurs?
  3. How are conflict strategies used in social movements?
  4. How does an attitude of forgiveness facilitate conflict resolution?
  5. What are some general suggestions for dealing with intercultural conflict?

Sample Discussion Prompts from Chapter 12: Striving for Engaged & Effective Intercultural Communication

  1. In what ways is the notion of intercultural competence helpful? In what ways is it limiting?
  2. How can you be an interpersonal ally? How do you know if you are being an ally?
  3. How might you better assess your unconscious competence and unconscious incompetence?
  4. How might the European Union affect the United States?
  5. How does your own social position (gender, class, age, and so on) influence your intercultural communication competence? Does this competence change from one context to another?