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Is AI taking over the workforce? research paper

Essay Writing Guidelines

Please adhere to the following conventions of composition writing, and be sure to quote from the essay to support your argument. In addition, please adhere to the following:

1) Standard MLA Heading. Top-left: Your name, professor’s name, course number/section, and date. Double-space your paper and use 12-pt. font with 1-inch margins all around.

2) Title. Create your own title for your essay. Don’t call it “Final Exam” or the source essay title.

3) Opening Paragraph. Write 1 opening (introductory) paragraph. Make sure that this introductory paragraph includes your thesis statement, along with the source essay’s title and author, properly formatted and spelled. Use transitional words or phrases to smoothly move from paragraph to paragraph.

4) Body Paragraphs. Write 3 full paragraphs of analysis based on the essay question. Begin each paragraph with analysis in your words, introduce a relevant quote from the essay, and write your interpretation of why this quote is important to your essay.

5) Concluding Paragraph. Write a clear conclusion to your composition. Do not end on a quote. Always end with your own critical voice, not that of anyone else.

6) Quotations. You must incorporate a maximum of 3 quotations from the essay into your body paragraphs. If you have a long quote (defined as more than one sentence), use a portion of that quote and paraphrase the rest in your own words.

7) Proofread. Go through your essay to proofread and correct any grammatical errors.

Please upload draft as a Word document or PDF only.

Do not use Google Docs.