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Introduction To The Old Testament

The focus of this week is on the prophets.  There are four major prophets and twelve minor prophets.  The highlight of the prophets is on their message to God’s people.  While every message has some similarities, each prophet was unique.  You will address two major and two minor prophets.  For your Complete assignment, write an essay (minimum 1000 words) in which you address and discuss the statements below. Please utilize the Bible, the online Library, and other sources to document your work.  You will need to have at least three scholarly sources.  Please cite your sources in APA format.  Keep in mind that the theme is about the message of God’s prophets.

  • Discuss the meaning of the messages from Isaiah chapters 6, 40, and 53.
  • Discuss Jeremiah’s call and message from Jeremiah chapter 1.
  • Read the book of Hosea, retell the story, and discuss God’s message for our lives today.
  • Read the book of Jonah, retell the story, and discuss God’s message for our lives today.