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Informative speech ON SIGMUND FREUD
The purpose of this speech is to inform your audience about an important topic to you and one that will/should be considered important by your audience members as well. Your topic must be about a “Person of Influence.” You may choose the person you are discussing, and it can be any person (outside of close family members) to discuss for this researched speech.
  • The Assignment – Part I: The first step is to identify a topic that you find interesting or about which you have great knowledge or experience. You may want to complete a brainstorm or a mind map to analyze: (1) what you already know about the person and (2) what you may need to research about the person. This step will help you to narrow your topic down so that it will be a manageable size to meet the allotted time requirement. Another advantage to completing this step is that it will help you to create a logical, organizational pattern for presenting your information such as: Topical. You MUST use topical ordering in this speech. You may not do a chronological biographical speech about a person’s life, it must focus on what makes the this person you have chosen a “Person of Influence.” You are to keep your speech strictly informative — this is NOT a persuasive speech where you are trying to convince your audience to take an action or adopt an ideology. Therefore, avoid controversial subjects for this particular speech.
  • The Assignment – Part II: Once you have selected your “Person of Interest”, formulate a thesis statement that clearly delineates the major topics you will cover in your speech. When thinking about your thesis statement: Answer these three questions in your proposal: 1. Why does the topic interest you? 2. What does the audience stand to gain by your presentation? 3. What are the three, key informational areas that your speech will address? (Your answer to this question will guide the development of your thesis statement.) Your instructor will ensure that no one else has the same topic as you which could be awkward on the day when you present your speech. This is achieved by uploading your topic into Canvas as soon as possible. Your instructor will also give you feedback on your proposal regarding its appropriateness, its manageability for the time parameters, and/or suggestions for research or key points to include in your speech on Canvas or in class.
  • The Assignment — Part III: The third part of the speech is perhaps the most important step. Research! At the end of your speech, you will need to include a minimum of three (4) sources (with citations that follow APA formatting) that you directly referenced or quoted OUT LOUD in your speech. These are called oral citations. All data used to develop your speech should be noted on your Works Cited.
  • The Assignment — Part IV: Now it is time to write your speech. Your speech should be long enough that it meets the 6 minute requirement, but not so long that you exceed the 8 minute requirement. Points will be deducted for not meeting the time parameters. Generally, an informative speech will have the following sections:
      1. A greeting to your audience. A statement of your name. Do NOT read the title of your speech! Do NOT state the purpose of your speech! Pause with silence after stating your name and before beginning your introduction. This pause is a signal to your audience that you are now transitioning into your speech.
      2. An Introduction that grabs the attention of your audience and provides a thesis statement that will foreshadow what you will talk about in your speech.
      3. Main Point #1 will adequately cover this area of your speech with quotes, statistics, and examples to support your claims. Be sure to include your sources for your audience. This is NOT a paper for English class. Therefore, you will need to actually tell your audience from where you got your quote or statistic, etc. Here is an example for how such as statement might be made with citation: “According to Cathleen Kruska, Sr. VP for Organizational Development, in a lecture presented at the Safeguard National Convention in July, 2002, ‘Attitude is a choice.'”
      4. Main Point #2 — See Main Point #1.
      5. Main Point #3 – See Main Point #1
      6. A Conclusion that summarizes all three of your main points and revisits the purpose of your speech. You may also include “words of wisdom” or a pithy quote, to end your talk.
      7. An expression of gratitude to your audience. Add a pause (like stage direction if you were reading a script) between the end of your conclusion and the expression of gratitude