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Individual Research Paper on a relative subject matter within the Health Information Technology areas

Assignment 2 will be an Individual Research Paper on a relative subject matter
within the Health Information Technology areas.
The paper can be written in either MLA or APA format. The paper will need to be
between 8 to 10 pages and use the appropriate subheadings if necessary. Cite
your resources properly when supporting your position. I expect that you are
using your sources to cite how you feel about the topic. Using stats and factual is
fine but ensure that your works are original. The Turnitin score for a paper this
length should reflect at least 9-11%. The font type should be Ariel or Times New
Roman at 12 pts (Regular text) or 14 pts (Sub-headings). The 5-8 pages does not
include the works cited pages.
the list of suggestions:
Artificial Intelligence,
VR, Robotics,
Insurance and the medical world.
You do not have to use my suggestions as you can find your own topic as it is relative to the HIT realm.