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The research paper is an opportunity to investigate an important issue in child development in more detail. You must specify an issue or mechanism as your focus for the project—examples: autism, word learning, attachment, etc. The instructor must approve all projects before you begin. Submit a brief description (1-3 sentences) by the Monday of week 3. There are two parts to the project.

  • Background literature review. The first part of the paper is a brief review of the research literature on this topic. This section should be no more than three pages and should incorporate at least four peer-reviewed articles. A list of references for parts one and two is due by the Monday of week 7.
  • Application-Intervention. This part of the project is also limited to three pages and should incorporate at least four peer-reviewed articles (different from those used for the literature review) that document different ways to use knowledge of this issue in an applied setting or in public policy. A rough draft is due by Monday of week 11. The final draft of the paper is due by the Monday of the finals weeAll written work should be double spaced and use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman 12 pt.). Pages should be numbered at the top right-hand corner of each page. It is important that you write clearly, concisely, and grammatically in all your written work; points will be deducted for poor writing quality. You are required to cite sources using APA style. Use your own words; use direct quotes sparingly if at all.
    Note: Plagiarism will result in disciplinary action, and consequences may range from a grade of zero on the assignment to suspensions or dismissal from the university.k.
My subject is “How Play Impacts Children with Disabilities”  Things how play benefits children with dsiabilities. I need this to target different areas of how play impacts children with disabilities from how play benefits “normal” kids and play
 I have some resources that I already collected and you are more than welcome to use them. However, you are more than welcome to collect more references if there is not enough information. Please make sure to use APA format. I have also attached the rubric that the professor will be grading off of.
Do not hesistate to ask any questions if you have them. I really need a good grade on this paper to pass this class so please do your best for me I appreciate it so much!