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Reading Material. Looking Out Looking In.  Alser/Proctor
Respond to each of the following questions in 200-300 words (in the same post):
1.Review the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:1-2; 11-32.
  1. Identify the feelings, perspectives, options, and expectations of the father, the prodigal son, and the elder brother.
  2. Do the same for those whom each character in the story represents: the father (God); the prodigal son (Gentiles, young converts), the elder brother (Jews, lifelong Christians).
  3. What can be learned about communication competence from Eph. 4:15-16, 25 to 5:1? Col. 4:3-4? John 6:25 to 7:1 (note the misunderstandings [or were they] of Jesus’ words)?
  4. Consult at least one reputable biblical commentary (e.g., Matthew Henry, Believer’s Bible Commentary, etc.) when formulating your response.
2. Read “What I Instagrammed versus What Was Really Happening, Or, My Entire Life is a Lie” on page 83 in the course text.  Respond to the following questions:
  1. In what ways do you present yourself differently online than you do in person?
  2. Have you ever carefully managed social media posts to portray yourself in a particular way, similar to what Olivia Muenter described here?
  3. Are there ethical boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed when engaging in online impression management?