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Research Question: Identify security, safety, and health risks facing international civilian police and apply strategies for overcoming these risks in a case study involving a UN peace operation.

This assignment helps you achieve our second course objective (CO-2): Apply strategies for overcoming security, safety, and health risks facing international civilian police.

Formatting Requirements: 3 page paper in Arial or Times New Roman font, with sentencing double-spaced.

Research Requirements: Support your analysis with real world examples and research from at least three sources. At least one of these sources should be a scholarly book, paper, or journal article. As in Week 3, bring in the conceptual and theoretical ideas from your course readings and then research current case studies.

Citation Requirements: Credit all sources in text with parenthetical citations. Include full citations to all sources quoted or summarized in the paper, following Chicago 17th Author-Date parenthetical citation/reference list style of citation, in a Reference List at the end of your paper.

Rubric Requirements: 

 Student exhibits a defined and clear understanding of the assignment. The thesis is clearly defined and well-constructed to help guide the reader throughout the assignment. Student builds upon the thesis of the assignment with well-documented and exceptional supporting facts, figures, and/or statements.

 Student demonstrates proficient command of the subject matter in the assignment. Assignment shows an impressive level of depth of student’s ability to relate course content to practical examples and applications. Student provides comprehensive analysis of details, facts, and concepts in a logical sequence. Student follows instructions for source use in the assignment.

 Student demonstrates a higher-level of critical thinking necessary for 300-400 level work. Provides a strategic approach in presenting examples of problem-solving or critical thinking, while drawing logical conclusions that are not immediately obvious. Student provides well-supported ideas and reflection with variety of current and/or world views in the assignment. Student presents a genuine intellectual development of ideas throughout assignment.

 Student thoroughly understands and excels in explaining all major points. An original, unique, and/or imaginative approach to overall ideas, concepts, and findings is presented. Overall format of assignment includes an appropriate introduction (or abstract), well- developed paragraphs, and conclusion. Includes subheadings and other style elements that provide ease for the reader. Finished assignment demonstrates student’s ability to plan and arguments in a logical sequence. Student uses specific number of academic sources or beyond (if required).

 Student demonstrates an excellent command of grammar, as well as presenting arguments and analysis in a clear and concise writing style. Presents a thorough and extensive understanding of word usage. Assignment is error-free and reflects the student’s ability to prepare a high-quality academic assignment.