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One of my favorite people is the Mongols.  Of course, as a historian, I love the Mongols because they were incredibly important in world history.  So many things changed because of them.  But as a person, I enjoy learning about the Mongols because in life our actions have consequences and sometimes even the smallest action can have huge consequences.  There was nothing small about the Mongols so their impact was gigantic and they literally changed the course of human history.  For this essay, you will need to examine and assess those changes.  Search online for information about the Mongols and their impact on world history.  Write an essay that addresses the following topics:

Identify 2 ways the Mongols changed world history and assess whether those changes were positive ones.  Finally, consider your own life and actions.  How have your actions had big consequences?

3-4 pages, double space.  Title page.  Introduction, multi-paragraph body, and conclusion.  Whatever source you do use, you need to cite that in the body of the essay.