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Using the selected articles and other credible outside sources, describe how a Human Resource department should align the strategies and goals of the organization, to the methods of motivating their workers towards maximum performance. Demonstrate how motivation can be influenced by the elements included within the overall compensation program. Using the following “Guidelines for Writing Papers”, develop and upload your 3-5 academic paper before or by the end of Week 2.

Guidelines for Writing Papers

Your papers should be:

  • word-processed using Microsoft’s WORD (extension .doc or .docx)
  • double-spaced

Your papers should have:

  • one-inch margins
  • a font size of 12
  • a cover page that includes your paper’s title, your name, the date, and the course identification
  • an introduction that states the purpose of the paper, and provides a roadmap of the paper’s contents
  • paragraphs that develop and support your ideas
  • section titles or headings, that help to organize your presentation
  • a conclusion that summarizes the paper
  • a logical flow
  • smooth transitions between ideas
  • in-text citations and a reference (bibliography) page using APA style (no footnotes)

NO grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors