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Human Behavior and Diverse Populations
Out of Comfort Zone Paper. One of the goals of this course is to push students out of their own comfort zones. Therefore, students will write a short paper (atleast 4 pages) . This paper is worth 50 points.“Seek permission from a member of a group other than your family. This person can be from another place within the US and may belong to another group in terms of religion, language etc. You can chose a topic comfortable for both of you for the conversation. This paper is an attempt to take you to an ‘out of comfort zone’. Since the pandemic is still raging, I did not want you to be exposed to any source of infection. (The interview can be face to face or over the phone). Do take all the precautions necessary while getting this project done. Be respectful, and always ensure privacy and confidentiality during this interview.Culture, as you know is a dynamic process. Several aspects of culture vary from time to time and place to place. Therefore cultural sensitivity is a very important aspect of social work practice. It is very important for social workers to be aware of the various attributes of the other cultures. The paper will explore, value orientations (you can choose any), relational communications etc of your interviewee. (See chapter 1 and
18also chapter 3) of your text book for a variety of cultural patterns of communication. You may focus on any of the many aspects of communication. Does the place your interviewee grew up make difference in terms of communication. Do perceived power differentials among members of the interviewee community make a difference in terms of communication. Do these communication patterns affect the way, the interviewee relates to helping professionals. Did some aspect of your communication take you out of your comfort zone. If yes, how did you face it. ” The following rubric will be used to evaluate the paper. – 50 points
Comfort Paper RubricIntroduction— how you chose your case study person and how you chose the subject of discussion10
Identification of concepts emerging during interview10
Summary of what you learned/Conclusion10
Grammar/APA Formatting/Length20
Other CommentsTotal 50