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My topic is about: does social media regulations have an impact on young adults? 

I already finished doing my Annotated Bibliography (+Research Evaluation)  and got back my feedback to fix it. I will

upload it in the file and i need you to fix it according to the feedback.
feedback: For revision,

Annotations: be sure to make your annotations in alphabetical order. Your first source is under K, but then you use that as the author’s first name. I’m uncertain which it should be.

Synthesis: Refer to the authors’ names instead of “source 1” etc. Your last paragraph doesn’t reference a source. Again, use the author(s)’ name(s).

Research Eval/Reflection: Be sure to add this last section, along with a dropped source.

The magazine names should be national publications. What call for change will you be asking for? Who has the power to make that change? Then think about what magazine does that audience read? This magazine choice will be what we use for your genre expectations next week.

and i need 2 new links for magzines that talk about my topic